Live Painting

The Art of Entertainment: when your guests leave with a once in a lifetime memorable experience & your story is captured on paper through brush, paint, and ink for you to continue to cherish forever.

“ It was a blast to see the wedding guests behind her shoulder throughout the night to watch the process and see the final product. It was such a sweet touch to the night and the bride was in tears when she saw it at the end.”

— Whitney, Bridesmaid


  1. Contact & confirm booking date

  2. Discuss painting & event details

  3. Custom quote & approval

  4. Submit deposit payment

  5. Experience live painting at your event

  6. Receive painting & submit final deposit



My live art services can range from $500-$2500, dependent on location, needs, & season. Please reach out for your own custom quote!

What should I have painted?

Live Wedding Painting:

Usually, the couple has the option to choose between their venue or a custom Map specific to their unique love story!

Event Live Painting Entertainment:

Depending on your specific event being held I can create a print to fit the theme, paint a scene from your venue property, or can work on a property map. The options are endless!

If you're a little stuck and still unsure, or have another idea, please reach out!

Do I get to leave with my painting at the end of the night?

No, your painting will be shipped or delivered to you. All paintings are taken back to my studio to complete any final touches and to photograph and scan! Most venue portraits are able to be completed in a night so you and your guests will get to see the final result. However, some more complex paintings will be started live but be finished in my studio.