Matthew 5:16

… let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

About Brittney Kay

Hi there! I am Brittney, creator of BKayKreative, LLC. I am an Ohio native, born and raised east of Cleveland, in Kirtland, Ohio. After attending Ashland University and obtaining a degree in marketing, fine art, & religion, I moved to Port Clinton and started BKayKreative, LLC in 2017.

I have the privilege of living my life along the beautiful Great Lakes, and get the opportunity to walk, hike, paddle and paint it often! I continue to be in awe of the natural beauty of God’s creation, and love getting to capture just a glimpse of his grace through my art! My hope is to help improve our community by seeing needs and meeting them with creative solutions, knowing that the most creative solution to our needs is the gospel of Jesus.

My aim is to live a simple life & use my strengths and weaknesses to point to the one who should get all the glory.

If you ever see me around the Great Lakes, please feel free to come watch the painting process or just say hi!

“When you painted on earth … it was because you caught glimpses of Heaven in the earthly landscape. The success of your painting was that it enabled others to see the glimpses too.

Light was your real first love: you loved painting only as a means of telling about light. ”

— C.S. Lewis, The Great Divorce

BKayKreative Story

BKayKreative started in 2017 and was born out of grief and a desire to give others courage. I had lost my mom in December of 2015 and was unsatisfied in my first “big girl” job. I not only was naturally grieving my mom’s presence but also grieving the past and what felt like lost time with her. I was sad for my mom because like many others she secured a normal and safe 9-5 while simultaneously wishing and vocalizing her desire to just be home with her kids. I recognized this unseen pressure for everyone, including myself, to work instead of cherishing the moments we get with loved ones. So, with this fresh “clarity” that only the eyes of grief sometimes can give I took the jump and decided to do what I love instead of what I was “supposed to do”. With my dad’s help we built the BKayKreative cart, and I started to dive into how to make a “successful” art business.

Since then, God has grown my faith, deepened my desire for community, developed my love of watercolor, and helped me to hone my style and gifts. Becoming a Christ follower really flipped everything upside down for me & this business. Definitions for success and the idea of what I was “supposed to do” not only for a job but daily were quickly challenged by scripture. A desire to be busy and “insta-worthy“ is continually being replaced with deep heart work, slow growth, and authenticity in face-to-face community. Through this business I desire to bring these truths of scripture to the places and spaces he has me going.

I hope to do that by seeing need and meeting them with a creative solution. The needs often times come in the form of portraits, gifts to loved ones, or entertainment at an event but my prayer is that they will leave with a glimpse of God’s glory. I see painting and my life as a tool in His hands.

I am learning that “doing what I love” or doing what culture says I am “supposed to do” is less about what I do as a career. I believe that real clarity comes when we surrender it all and live a life pleasing to God instead of pleasing my own comforts or the worlds opinions (Romans 12). I have confidence that if you come to know Christ, he will give you the courage to do just that.

Our Need &

God’s Creative Solution

God sent his Son, who lived a perfect life, fulfilled the law perfectly, was crucified, died and was buried… but Praise God he resurrected and offers us new life in Him when we believe in Jesus!